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Funeral Details:
Donations & Gift Aid

If you are not able to attend the funeral in person but wish to send flowers please do call us and we will be happy to advise on local florists who will deliver your tribute to the funeral home. Please ensure that floral tributes arrive at the funeral home at least two hours prior to the time of the funeral.

You can make a donation at the service or online. Please see our funeral details for more information. You can also send a cheque made payable to the specified charity to Tovey Bros. Let us know if you require a receipt and ensure that you provide us with your address details. Cheques are held by Tovey Bros until all the donations have been received and then forwarded to the charity. This can take some time, in some cases up to a couple of months, so if your cheque hasn’t cleared your bank account, then do bear with us. If after a few weeks your cheque still hasn’t cleared then please do call us for an update. Once all the cheques have been received the family is informed of the total amount donated to the charity in their loved one’s name and the identities of all contributors.

Download a copy of the Gift Aid Declaration

If you are a taxpayer click here to download a copy of the Gift Aid Declaration. Please print this off, complete it and return it with your cheque. This enables the charity to claim back the tax you have paid on your contribution and so increase the amount they receive.

Click here to go to our funeral list where you can find out if flowers or donations have been requested and if the family has specified a charity.

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