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Help & Advice:
Grief Journey

Dr Bill Webster has written a helpful newsletter, providing help and support through the Christmas period.
A Different Christmas This Year

For a number of years, Tovey Bros, in conjunction with Golden Charter, has been honoured to work alongside Dr Bill Webster, founder and director of the Centre for the Grief Journey and respected speaker and author on the emotional impact of bereavement. The centre was established in 1995 out a desire to bring a measure of comfort, hope and direction to those suffering a significant bereavement. Dr Bill is someone who knows about grief, not just in theory but from very difficult personal experience, and has committed his life to supporting those experiencing through a combination of empathy and educational tools. Please click on his website below for more information and resources.

We are extremely fortunate that Dr Bill has visited Newport on numerous occasions to deliver seminars on a variety of topics relating to bereavement and are delighted to be welcoming him back later this month for a seminar at Bethesda Baptist Church on 25 May at 6.30pm.

For future events please do call us or email to register your interest in receiving more information. The seminars are aimed both at the general public and also professionals working with the bereaved.
